SPELLING BEE 2024:PLEASE USE spelling@salacompetition.com FOR ALL YOUR PUBLIC SPEAKING COMMUNICATION. (salacompetition@gmail.com is no longer in service)Are you good with words?
Spelling words at lightning speed?
Then our spelling BEE is just for you!SPELLINGS LISTS PER GRADE:As soon as we have received your entry we will
forward you the spelling lists applicable to each grade group for 2024. Learners need to learn these lists, as this will be used for the first round. The subsequent round will begin when all the words on the list have been spelled.
SPELLING BEE LISTS:Use the following link to download the Spelling BEE word lists for the 2024.:
WHO CAN PARTICIPATE?Learners from Grade 3 – 12 are welcome to participate in our spelling bee competition.
Moderation is done per grade group.
HOW DO I ENTER- Complete the entry form attached to this booklet.
- Send us the proof of payment to spelling@salacompetition.com together with your participation name list for each age group entered (Learner name, surname, grade group)
- We will forward you the spelling bee list for learners to start learning.
Which Provinces can enter?The spelling BEE will unfortunately only be held in
Mpumalanga, Gauteng region during 2024.This will no longer be a National Competition as we will only have 2 Provinces competing against each other for this competition during 2024.
AWARDS:Each participant will receive their participation certificate at their 1st provincial round. 1st to 4th place winners will receive an additional certificate as they will be the winners of their region.
The top 5 of each age group of each Province will be invited to the Final Round, where they will battle it out to be one of the top 4 in the Final.
At the Final round each participant receives a certificate. The 1st place winner receives a certificate, trophy and pin. 2nd to 4th place receives a certificate and pin.
ENTRY FEE 2024:R120.00 per learner
RULES:- Speller must first pronounce the word, then spell the word out loud, and then say the word again to signal adjudicators that the speller is done.
- Example: (cat), c-a-t, (cat).
- Once you begin to spell a word, you will not have a chance to change letters once pronounced.
- The speller must indicate words with apostrophes, capitals, and other punctuation marks, accent marks, either over the letter or at the end of the word.
- At any time the speller may request that the word be re-pronounced, defined or used in a sentence.
- Adjudicators may disqualify speller who ignores a request to start spelling the word in a reasonable time.
- When a speller fails to spell the word correctly, they must drop out of the competition and vacate the room. Only when there is 5 spellers left, only these 5 learners will remain in the room.
- When a speller falls out, he or she can collect their certificate of participation on the way out.
- Another word shall be given to the next speller in the line.
- In subsequent rounds, the words will be chosen from a variety of sources.
- In the event of a protest or dispute, decisions will be based on the “dictionary name “and no other source shall be allowed.
- The last speller standing will be the 1st place winner.
- There will also be a 2nd to 4th place announced.
- When only 2 to 5 spellers (number to at adjudicators discretion on the day of competition) remain, the elimination procedure changes. At the point, when a speller misspell a word, the other speller will be given the opportunity to spell the same word.
- The adjudicators and reader will be in complete charge of the competition.
- Their decision will be final.
Spellers will be seated in a random order.
PLEASE EMAIL US FOR THE SPELLING BEE WORD LISTS to spelling@salacompetition.com